【Call for Application】Japanese Language Course A2 for Teachers (2022)

This course is aimed at teachers who teach in Mexico and Central America and the Caribbean and is designed to help them improve their Japanese language skills to the equivalent of A2.2 level. It is organized by Mexican Association of Japanese Language (AMIJ) and the Japan Foundation, Mexico.

Highly recommended for…

  • who wants to learn Japanese more and prefers to do it with teachers and other classmates.
  • who wants to express themselves with more confidence and fluency.
  • Who wants to learn Japanese with the “Marugoto” textbook.


  1. Level A2.2 of the “JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education”, which is based on the CEFR (Common European Framework Reference for Languages).
    Click here to check if the level you are aiming for corresponds with this course.
  2. Improving one’s own teaching through Japanese language learning.
  3. Accomplishing one’s own objectives in Japanese language learning.

Participant requirements

  1. In-service Japanese language teachers in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
  2. Passed the JLPT N4 (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) or having the level A2.1 in CEFR or in “JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education”.
    * Please check your level through “Japanese Test for Course Recommendation”.
  3. Can participate with a computer.
  4. Can participate with your camera on.
  5. have the following Internet speed:
    Upload 1.0 Mbps 
    Download  600 kbps
    If you are not sure your Internet speed, please check it here. 


  • We will use “MARUGOTO Katsudoo & Rikai Self-Study Course A2-3”, which is available at the platform “Minato”, as material for this course so that you do not need purchase the textbook of “Marugoto”.
  • Since live Zoom sessions will be held every 2 weeks, you are expected to self-manage your learning on “Minato”. In these live sessions, we will focus more on out-putting what you have learned in the course of “Minato”.


20 persons per class
* If we receive more applications than the capacity, participants will be selected. 
* Please consider that in case there are less than 10 students, they will have to be integrated in a single class.

Schedule (Time in Mexico City, UTC -5)

ContentsTuesday group
Wednesday group
1OrientationSep. 13Sep. 14
Pre-course examn (Oral) *by Sep. 27by Sep. 28
2Topic 1Sep. 27Sep. 28
3Topic 2Oct. 11Oct. 12
4Topic 3Oct. 25Oct. 26
5ReflectionNov. 1Nov. 1, 3 or 4
6Topic 4Nov. 8Nov. 9
7Topic 5Nov. 22Nov. 23
Writing exam
8Final exam (Oral)Nov. 29Nov. 30
9Final reflectionDec. 6Dec. 7
* The contents of the pre-course exam (Oral) is the same as the Final exam (Oral). The purpose of this exam is to compare the level of your Japanese language ability at the beginning and the end of the course. The details of the date and time will be announced at the orientation of the first session.
* Select the group you would like to participate in when you apply. Please consider that in case there are less than 6 students, they will have to be integrated in a single class.
* The class content is the same for both groups.


Tuesday Group : SATO Goro y SATO Shiho
Wednesday Group : Ronny Muñoz

Certificate of completion

Certificate will be issued to those who meet the following requirements.

  1. Completion of learning on the platform “Minato”.
  2. More than 80% attendance at Zoom sessions.
    * More than 15 minutes late or leaving early will be considered as absent.
  3. Obtain at least two stars (★★) on two Can-do in the final exam (oral).
  4. Score more than 80% on the writing exam.
  5. Fill out the “Objectives and Reflection Sheet”.
  6. Fill out the “Self-evaluation Sheet (Can-do check)”.


Japanese Language Section, Tha Japan Foundation, Mexico

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