Teachers’ Training CourseーReflection on the use of “Marugoto”

This training is conducted for teachers who are currently using the “Marugoto” textbook. It is recommended especially those who have doubt and concern like the following and are eager to improve their own class:

– “I am not so confident in my class with “Marugoto”.”
– “I am still not sure how to teach Japanese grammar and letters, using “Marugoto”.”
– “I can teach with “Marugoto”, but if there is a better way to use it, I would like to know.”
– “If there is an opportunity to ask questions about usage to other teachers or other institutions, I would be happy to do so.”

Aims to get ideas on how to use such a textbook by experiencing a few trial classes from the tearcher’s point of view and a series of discussion among participants.

Requirements for participation:
Individuals who complete the following conditions:

  1. Current teacher who is using or has experience of using the textbook “Marugoto”.
  2. In case of non-native teacher, language proficiency equivalent to B1 or higher in CEFR or “Japan Foundation Standard” or N3 or higher in JLPT exam is required.
  3. Person who can enter Zoom by computer
  4. Person who can take sessions with camera on.
  5. Person who has sufficient speeds for the Zoom sessions.

Reflect on your own use of the textbook “Marugoto” and get ideas for improvement.

『まるごと 日本のことばと文化 初級2 A2-2』[かつどう][りかい]]
* The digital edition will be also accepted.

20 persons
* In case the number of applicants exceeds the quota, participants will be selected.

Program: In total 12.5 hours (Time in Mexico City, UTC -6)

1April 21 (Fri.) 16:00 to 17:30OnlineOrientationConcepto of the “Marugoto”
2April 28 (Fri.) 16:00 to 17:30OnlineHow to use “Katsudoo”
3May 6 (Fri.) 16:00 to 17:30OnlineTrial class of “Katsudoo” 『まるごと』初級2 A2-2 Lesson 3 Discussion and QA session
4May 12 (Fri.) 16:00 to 17:30OnlineHow to use “Rikai”
5May 19 (Fri.) 16:00 to 17:30OnlineTrial class of “Rikai” 『まるごと』初級2 A2-2 Lesson 3 Discussion and QA session
6May 20 (Sat.) 10:00 to 12:30Hybrid (Onsite Will be at UCA)Trial class of “Katsudoo” 『まるごと』初級2 A2-2 Lesson 4 Discussion and QA session
7May 20 (Sat.) 14:00 to 16:30Hybrid (Onsite Will be at UCA)Trial Class of “Rikai” 『まるごと』初級2 A2-2 Lesson 4 Discussion and QA sessionReflection

SATO Shiho, Japanese-Language Specialist of The Japan Foundation, Mexico

It will be issued to the person who has attended more than six sessions and handed in all assignments.
* It will be considered as an absence in case of arriving more than 15 minutes late or leaving the session more than 15 minutes earlier.

SATO Shiho Shiho_Sato(at)jpf.go.jp

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